Hand Surgery

Tendon repair, reconstruction, transfers

How is tendon repair surgery helpful?

Tendon repair is surgery done to treat a torn or otherwise damaged tendon. Tendons are the soft, band-like tissues that connect muscles to bone. When the muscles contract, the tendons pull the bones and cause the joints to move. When tendon damage occurs, movement may be seriously limited. The damaged area may feel weak or painful.

What does surgery involve?

Tendon repair :

Commonly, during tendon repair a surgeon will:

  • make one or more small incisions (cuts) in the skin over the damaged tendon
  • sew the torn ends of the tendon together
  • check the surrounding tissue to make sure no other injuries have occurred, such as injury to the blood vessels or nerves
  • close the incision
  • cover the area with sterile bandages or dressings
  • immobilize or splint the joint so as to allow the tendon to heal

Tendon graft or transfer:

If there isn’t enough healthy tendon to reconnect, the surgeon may perform a tendon graft using a piece of tendon from another part of the body or transfer a tendon from nearby area - finger or wrist.

Futher details

Discuss further with your surgeon for the potential treatment options for you.